Hello friends,

It has been quite a while since the previous newsletter. Some among you were wondering what was up and I realized I should fill everyone in. Life has been very busy the last few months. That or I’ve become less efficient as I age. It reminds me of a conversation I once had with my mother-in-law. She told me that she was exhausted from a very busy day. I asked what she’d been up to and she said “I got a haircut.” I waited for more, but that was it. My wife and I had a chuckle later, but time has a different meaning at different stages of life and I find myself running out of time more often these days. It would make for an interesting super power if we could control the perception of time at will.

I’ve been finding it difficult to work all day and squeeze a little writing in on evenings and weekends. Regardless, bills need to be paid and it’s easier to get stuck in a work/life routine than consider changes. However, sometimes family and friends, an obvious priority, require more of our time. When that happens, it can really mess with previously held plans. Some unexpected circumstances have me thinking about the future.

The job which I’ve held for so many years has been a blessing, but it takes me away from the story-lines which seem to occupy my mind more and more. I began to wonder if things couldn’t be different at this point in my life. As a result, I’ve spent considerable time in the past few months looking at finances and goals. I’ve been considering ways to simplify my life while reducing expenses and clutter. A number of things needed to fall into place, but those hurdles have now been cleared, so I’ve decided to retire early and focus on what I enjoy. That means in the very near future you should start seeing more novels completed at a much quicker pace. I can hardly wait!

An Insurgency of Swathcombers

One of the benefits of this little writing hiatus, is that I’ve had time to further develop the plot of this second book in the States of Inversion series. The changes I envision will add to the mystery of the inversion event. Valtteri will find his life changing once again as he discovers who the Swathcombers really are and what it means to be adopted into the family. I’m excited to see where this will all lead and I hope you’ll join me on the journey.


Enter to win Dune swag plus 17 novels! The contest ends on Monday, May 13.

That's about all I have to share at the moment. As always, if you have any questions. You can email me at kallensamuelswrites@gmail.com

Kallen Samuels